5 Exercises to Lose Love Handles and Get Rid of Hip Fat At Home

5 Exercises to Lose Love Handles and Get Rid of Hip Fat At Home

Are you searching for simple exercises to lose love handles and get rid of hip fat at home? The love handles are one of the aesthetic concerns that more often push men and women to start physical activity. However, there is not always time (or money) to join the gym. For this reason, in order to counteract the imperfection of excess fat on the hips, we look for exercises to practice at home, with the convenience of total flexibility.

Exercises to Lose Love Handles and Get Rid of Hip Fat At Home

What are the most effective do-it-yourself exercises for fighting or to lose love handles? Here is a selection proposed as a training cycle to practice at home consistently (at least three times a week), to see the first results after three weeks. Check out these

5 simple exercises to lose love handles and get rid of hip fat at home.

1. Side Plank

An isometric workout that involves maintaining the position as long as possible. Leaning on an elbow on the ground and with the line of the shoulders perpendicular to the floor, keep the side raised from the ground, applying pressure to the sides of the feet.

2. Pelvis Rotation

In the supine position with open arms, legs raised from the ground and knees bent, rotate the pelvis sideways, until it touches with a knee to the ground, without rotating the torso. Then turn to the other side. Repeat 5 times per side for 4 sets.

3. Lateral Suspensions

From the lying position on one side, arms crossed on the chest, lift the legs and head simultaneously from the ground, maintaining the position for 5 seconds. Repeat 4 times per side.

4. Lateral Bending

It is one of the best for remove love handles. With the help of two dumbbells of little weight, in an upright position, raise the arms above the head and bend on each side, keeping the feet firmly on the ground. Repeat 10 times for 4 sets.

5. Torsion of the Bust

With a handlebar of modest weight, from an upright position and weight to the chest supported by both hands, rotate the trunk keeping the soles of the feet on the ground. Repeat 10 times on each side for 4 sets.

The exercises will help to tone the muscles of the hips and abdominal area and to maintain a form of training that also helps to burn excess fats. However, for an even more effective action it is necessary to combine the exercises to eliminate love handles with a balanced diet and a less sedentary life. You can try our these 5 simple exercises to lose love handles and get rid of hip fat at home.
