7 Exercises to Get Rid Of Love Handles

7 Exercises to Get Rid Of Love Handles

When the fat concentrates on the hips we speak of love handles. Despite this nice term, often those who have them would do everything to send them away and get rid of love handles forever. And it is not entirely wrong. Yes, because it is often perceived more as an aesthetic problem, but it can also have consequences on health.

7 exercises to get rid of love handles

Fat settles on the abdominal belt. It is visceral fat which increases the predisposition to dangerous health problems such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. There are several methods to eliminate love handles and today we see some exercises that intervene precisely on this abdominal fat.

If you are not sure if you have it, run this simple test now. With the fingers with pliers tighten the fat on the hips and above the lower back. If you can't tighten it means that you don't have them, if instead you take a discreet portion of flab, it means that you have the handles of love.

There are 7 exercises to get rid of love handles. In order for them to work, however, you must perform them constantly, that is, at least 3 times a week. This way you can dispose of the fat. But don't limit yourself to this and get into the habit of walking at least 30 minutes a day and following a healthy eating style.



The deadlift is an exercise that works wonders if you have love handles. But avoid it if you have back problems. You must use a barbell with an indicative weight between 4 and 8 kg.

All you have to do is bend over and lift the weights. But you have to do it right otherwise you risk hurting yourself.

You have to stand up, with your legs spread apart and they must be aligned with your shoulders. You should keep your toes pointed outward. Bend your knees, lower yourself with your arms outstretched as you would in the squat and grab the barbell. The buttocks must stand back and keep your back straight. You must keep your legs parallel to the floor and your back must always remain straight. Leverage your legs.


Position yourself with your knees on the ground and your elbows on the ground, calmly extend your legs so that they remain taut. The weight of the body must be supported by the toes and the forearm. The back must therefore remain straight and parallel to the floor. The belly must be inside and the buttocks keep them contracted. Hold for about 30 seconds.


To carry out this exercise against love handles you need a bench or a fitness ball. Place your feet on it and hold your body up with your hands, with your arms stretched. You must keep your back straight and your belly in. Hold for about 30 seconds.


The lateral plank is a very useful exercise to eliminate love handles in a short time. Stand on your side and lean on your forearm and the side of your feet. It is already quite tiring to maintain the position but gradually get used to it. You can gradually start making small movements by bringing the hip to the floor, with the legs stretched and the weight always supported by the feet and forearm. You don't have to hit the ground anyway.


Another very useful exercise against love handles is the plank knee. Stand with your arms stretched, keeping them open shoulder-width apart. The back must remain straight. Stretched legs resting on tiptoes. Inhale and bring your right knee towards your chest. Jump to change legs and bring the right sideways position but resting on the floor and the left one bent towards the chest.


Also for this exercise you have to use weights. You need two, two kilos of weight is fine. Stand up with your legs slightly apart. In each hand a weight. Flex your torso now on one side now on the other keeping your back straight and contracting your abs.


I conclude with a very simple exercise to put into practice. It's the Side Crunch. To perform it, put your back on the ground and make it adhere well. Bring your hands behind your neck and bring your right elbow towards the knee of your left leg, lifting it with your knee to 90 degrees. Therefore, rotate your torso. Repeat the same operation with the other leg.

