10 Best Get Rid of Love Handles Exercises for Men and Women

10 Best Get Rid of Love Handles Exercises for Men and Women

Are you looking for 10 of the best get rid of love handles exercises for men and women? Did you know that the term love handles became popular after the 1960's? It is when abdominal exercises began to spread, which are precisely aimed at improving this fateful area.

10 Best Get Rid of Love Handles Exercises for Men and Women

The famous love handles are nothing but fat deposits located around the abdominal area. Just use your fingers like pliers on your hips and also behind, above your lower back, to check them. Made the test? Can you squeeze a nice portion of flab? Then you too are a lucky owner of love handles.

Get Rid of Love Handles Exercises for Men and Women Summary

Love handles: consequences for health
Love handles: the top 10 exercises for men and women (Get Rid of love handles workout)!

  • 1 - The bicycle crunch
  • 2 - Best twist
  • 3 - Plank knee
  • 4 - Side plank on the elbow
  • 5 - Side plank outstretched arms
  • 6 - Stability ball plank
  • 7 - Elevated plank
  • 8 - High plank on the hands
  • 9 - Low plank
  • 10 - Deadlift

Love Handles: Consequences for Health

But what you may not know is that this abdominal fat is particularly dangerous for your health. Numerous scientific studies have shown that "visceral" fat greatly increases the predisposition to contract cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. As you can see, they are not so nice, so it would be useful to understand how to eliminate love handles.

According to personal trainer Kyla Gagnon, interviewed by The Huffington Post Canada, physical exercises aimed at this area are not decisive for getting rid of excess fat. However, they are very important for making the abdominals under the fat layer stronger.

Fat loss starts with a balanced diet. But physical activity brings great benefits to the cardiovascular system, to bones, to posture, as well as to mood naturally.

To say goodbye to your love handles, it is important to combine a cardio activity 2/3 times a week (for example running, treadmill etc.) With specific exercises to dispose of fat.

Remember to do them feeling your body, without overdoing the effort, and start using additional weights (such as anklets or dumbbells) only when you will no longer struggle to do the exercises.

Program Proposal: 10 best exercises to reduce Love Handles for Men and Women we suggest have a duration of 30 seconds. If you are not very fit, you can perform the 10 exercise circuit once (doing each exercise for 30 seconds, with 30 seconds pause between each), at least 3 times a week for at least 2 weeks. Remember that perseverance and perseverance are important for results. After the first 2 weeks, run the circuit 2 times and after a month 3 times. If, on the other hand, you are already trained , then begin to make the circuit 2 times in a row with 30 seconds of pause between one exercise and another and a minute of rest between one series and another. Good workout!

Love handles: the top 10 exercises to eliminate love handles for men and women!

1. The Bicycle Crunch

The Bicycle Crunch

A variation of the classic crunches. Lie down on the mat, with your back well resting on the floor and your hands behind your ears, raise your legs to form a 90 ° angle. Bring your left knee towards your chest and rotate your right elbow towards your left leg. Repeat on the other side. As you carry one leg towards your chest, stretch the other. It is included one of the best get rid of love handles exercises for men and women.

Duration: 30 seconds

2. Best Twist

Best Twist

Start in a sitting position with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Bring your shoulders slightly back and turn the pelvis into an anteversion, keeping your back straight. Try to take a comfortable position by contracting your abdominal muscles and bringing your belly inward. Stretch your arms in front of you and twist your upper body left and right without moving your legs. To increase the difficulty, use a 4 or 6-pound medicine ball or a kettlebell in your hands. It is another one of the best get rid of love handles exercises for men and women.

Duration: 30 seconds.

3. Plank Knee

Plank Knee

To increase the difficulty, you can train with an unstable tool like the bosu balance trainer. Arms extended, shoulder-width apart, and back straight, balanced on the tips of the feet. Inhale and exhale bring your right knee towards your chest, making a jump, then change your leg. Very important: always keep the body in plank position and the belly inward.

Duration: 30 seconds.

4. Side Plank on The Elbow

Side Plank on The Elbow

A variation of the plank exercise. Start on one side with your back straight and your right elbow resting on the ground. Inhale and exhale, raise your side to form a straight line with your body. Go back down, but don't lean on the non-slip mat.

Duration: 30 seconds per side

5. Side Plank Outstretched Arms

Side Plank Outstretched Arms

Lying on its side, it detaches its side from the ground resting on its outstretched arm. The other arm is resting on the other side or lying straight outwards. The feet are resting on one another. Ideally, you should be able to create a "T" shape with your body.

Duration: 30 seconds per side

6. Stability Ball Plank

Stability Ball Plank

Use a fitness ball, put yourself in the plank position, resting your elbows on the ball. Inhale and, exhaling, bring the belly in and keep the body straight as a board. If it's too hard for you, perform the plank on the ground.

Duration: 30 seconds

7. Elevated Plank

Elevated Plank

Use a bench or a fitness ball to support your feet. Inhale and exhale , place yourself in plank position with your feet resting on the ball and your hands on the ground. Always keep your back straight and your stomach inward.

Duration: 30 seconds.

8. High Plank On The Hands

High Plank On The Hands

Stand in a plank position with your arms outstretched open over shoulder width and legs straight. Concentrate on the breath and keep the position. To be able to keep your back straight, bring your belly in and imagine that your belly button is "sucked" out of your spine. It is also considered one of the best get rid of love handles exercises for men and women.

Duration: 30 seconds

9. Low Plank

Low Plank

Get on your knees with your elbows on the ground, bring your legs back straight, resting your feet on your toes and lift your pelvis, being careful to keep your back straight and parallel to the floor . Bring your belly in and contract your buttocks. Very important: never make the belly come out! Keep the cervicals in a neutral position, i.e. in the extension of the body.

Duration: 30 seconds

10. Deadlift


The detachment from the ground is not for everyone: if you have back problems, better to avoid. It is a classic exercise in body building and also in CrossFit. You can use a barbell, a 4, 6 or 8-pound kettlebell. The exercise itself is simple because it simply involves bending over and lifting weights, but the technique is very important so as not to hurt yourself.

Start standing, legs open shoulder-width apart, with the toes turned slightly outwards. Bend your knees and lower yourself into a squat position with your arms outstretched so that you can grab the barbell or kettlebell: in going down, bring your buttocks back and keep your back straight. Grab the weights and bring your legs parallel to the floor, keeping your back straight.

Look in front of you without contracting the cervical. Inhale and, exhaling, lever your legs and pull up your weight, keeping your belly and your back straight. When you arrive in an upright position with arms extended, repeat from the beginning. It is not an exercise to be performed at speed. We hope you also like this one of the best get rid of love handles exercises for men and women.

Duration: 30 seconds

Watch this tutorial which explains well how to correctly take off the ground.
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